Distinguished Professor Sir, Dr. Christopher Oyat
GIU External PhD Theses Examiner
Distinguished Professor Sir, Dr. Christopher Oyat (Management and Training) is a Ugandan academic and professional who has climbed the ladder systematically and commendably well. He holds a Bachelor degree in Social Sciences from Makerere University (Kampala); a Master of Arts degree in Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs University; a Doctor of Letters Degree (Business Organization with a specialization in Community Organizations) from St Clements University; a PhD in Management from The Business University of Costa Rica; a Doctor of Science degree in Management and Business Research (Ad Eundem) from Ballsbridge University; a PhD in Development Studies from Prowess UniversityAd Eundem Doctorate (USA); a Doctorate Degree in Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management, 2021) with online certificate for verification of the Doctorate Degree – CESBM Certificate Verification portal – cesbm.education at https://cesbm.education/verify/ at certificate number: CESBM/DEEM/00001UG for verification; a Honorary PhD in Management from IIC University of Technology (Cambodia); a recipient of Doctor of Excellence awarded by EAHEA; a Certified Teacher and recognized Professor in Management and Training by EAHEA – www.eahea.org refers. In 2022, IAQAHE awarded him with “Excellence in Education – Teaching Practice”. He has successfully supervised researches of over 140 undergraduate students to completion at Gulu University; successfully supervised 48 Master Degree students’ postgraduate researches to completion in Uganda; has successfully supervised / reviewed / examined 5 (five) thesis of PhD students to completion; and successfully evaluated two candidates for promotion to full Professorships. Distinguished Professor Sir, Dr. Christopher Oyat is a renowned Consultant in Uganda who has executed over 15 Consultancies, with the main focus on Civil Society Organizations. He has attended international conferences; and has been Guest Speaker to many schools and colleges of learning in Uganda by providing career guidance to students so that they are empowered to make informed choices in the selection studies in university education. He is a PhD Reviewer at Ballsbridge University. He is an approved internal and external examiner for postgraduate research reports. Distinguished University Professor Sir, Dr. Christopher is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Arts Management and Professional Studies in Nigeria – www.ijamps.com refers (2021); in October 2021, he received the Institute of Arts Management and Professional Studies’ (IAMPS) Leadership Gold Award for Professional Excellence for his Achievements in Research and Quality Learning Management System – www.iamps.edu.ng refers; a Honorable Global Advisory Council Member at Global Academy of Finance and Management (USA); a Board Member at International Chartered World Learned Society (USA); Board Member at The Chartered World Order of the Knights of Justice of Peace (USA); a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (FCIEA –UK) which operates under a Royal Charter approved by Her Majesty the Queen of UK (2023); a Fellow Chartered Educator (FCE – India) and Co-opted Member with Education Board for Accreditation – an intergovernmental organization operating under intergovernmental Charter; Fellow of Chartered Institute of Arts Management and Professionals (FCIAP - USA) with the following verification code: 1896 for the main purpose of authentication; a Fellow of Board of Quality Standards (FBQS hon.) in the Commonwealth of Dominica; a Chartered Knight (MNDKOA - USA).
Towards the end of 2022, Distinguished Prof Sir, Dr Christopher obtained the following prestigious Fellowships from Nigeria: Fellow of Institute of Classic Entrepreneurship (FCEnt) and a Member of its Global Governing Council (ISO 21001: 2018 Certified); Fellow of African Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (FCSBE); Fellow of the Global Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (FCGEP); and Fellow of Academy for Political Entrepreneurship and Leadership (FCPEL) all of whom belong and were established within the framework and umbrella organization called “Global Confederation of Entrepreneurship Institutes” www.homeofentrepreneurship.com refers. It is vital to note that Prof Dr Christopher Oyat is on all the Governing Council of the aforementioned professional bodies where he enjoys Fellowship status.
Christopher Oyat is a Life Companion at Institute of Management Specialists (Comp IMS – UK); Life Doctoral Fellow at European Institute for Financial Directors: (DFEIFD – Accredited by Ministry of Education in Latvia); Life Doctoral Fellow at Institute of Professional Financial Managers (DFPFM – UK); Certified Education Manager and Certified Non - Governmental Organization Manager by Institute of Management Specialists – UK. Distinguished Prof Sir, Dr. Christopher Oyat is an approved Professor recognized by the following institutions of Higher Learning: a recognized Professor of Management by The Business University of Costa Rica; recognized Distinguished Professor of Management and Business Research by Ballsbridge University; a recognized Professor of Management at Sastra Angkor Institute (Cambodia) and Board of Research Advisor at the same Institute; a recognized Professor of Management by the University of Hertfordshire (UK); a recognized Distinguished Professor by American University of Business and Social Sciences (AUBSS); a recognized Professor of Management by St Clements University; a recognized Professor of Management and Training by Prowess University (USA) with online certificate for verification and authentication located at: 2023/PA/MT/2038; a recognized Distinguished Professor of Management and Training by International Association of Teachers (IAT) – a subsidiary body of International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and “Society of Higher Education Professionals – SHEP”, established under the watch and management of International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IAQAHE); a recognized Professor in Management by Association of African Universities (AAU) as digitally recorded and archived in November 2015; and a Senior Lecturer at Gulu University in Uganda. In 2023, Prof Dr Christopher Oyat was recognized by International Academic and Management Association (IAMA), India for his contribution in the field of education as an academician and research scholar of EMINENCE; and subsequently appointed as Honorary Board of Advisor of the same organization. He is a Life Member of IAMA (www.iama-india.org ). Similarly, Prof Sir, Dr Christopher Oyat, after having met all the requirements of Global Education and Professional Excellence Academy University (GEPEA – University, Europe) in April 2023, he appointed as: Honorary Board Member, approved as Member of International Academic Council; and Life Fellow of GEPEA to use designation letters, FGEPEA (www.gepea.eu. and www.gepea.education). The issued certificate (April 30, 2023 may be verified at: https://www.gepea.eu./result/2023006107-2/
Professor Dr Christopher Oyat is an Accredited and Visiting Professor to Northwest International University (Republic of Armenia) – School of Business Management and School of Education; and awarded Honorary Professorship (Management and Training) by Global Interfaith University (2023). A PhD External Examiner for PhD theses in respect to candidates from Global Interfaith University as well as PhD theses external examiner of candidates from College of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Nigeria (CESBM). He is equally a PhD theses External Examiner of research candidates from Prowess University – State of Delaware, USA.
He has successfully published at least 50 research works in professional and academic journals; and has received 22 Certificates of Excellent Teaching and Commitment to his academic and professional duties from students of Gulu University. Distinguished Prof Sir, Dr. Christopher Oyat has lectured at Gulu University since 2003 with no interruption. He is a person who strongly believes in academic and professional resilience and commitment in service delivery. He is an outstanding deliverer / performer in various assignments given to him to execute; a reliable and dependable Distinguished Professor when called for service; a committed academic and professional Guru; a strong supporter of learner-centered approach - based on the principles enunciated by UNESCO and UN ECOSOC. Distinguished Prof Sir, Dr. Christopher believes that learning that individuals have got from various sources throughout their life should be impartially assessed, recognized, validated and accredited (formal, informal and non-formal learning). To this extent, he strongly believes in the notion of lifelong learning (UNESCO, 2012).